Monday, February 24, 2014

What does "All In" Mean?

I have been challenged lately by by a study our church is doing on the book All In by Mark Batterson.  He starts out by the example of "One Way Missionaries"  Missionaries that went overseas on a one way ticket, said good bye to families and friends and packed their belongings in a coffin without consideration of ever returning.

I would have to agree that those individuals were All In, but how does this compare to life today?

Having lived in Nigeria, I know there were missionaries that went from Nigeria, to Sudan or other areas and basically did this.  I heard of children and families being lost to starvation and exposure for the sake of the gospel.  Have we in the U.S. lost the sense of urgency and even importance of bringing people into a relationship with Jesus Christ?  Do we want to get the benefits without the cost?

I admit that I am challenged myself with the concept of being All In.  I think it is easy to say I would be willing to die for the sake of the Gospel.  I guess living for the sake of the Gospel might be a bit more difficult in circumstances that are far less than secure for my family.

Lord willing, Ruth and I will be in South Sudan by the end of the year.  Please pray that we would be faithful, regardless of the circumstances we find around us.

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